Truth #5 Cyrus Sullivan is Kind Hearted
Cyrus Sullivan is always caring and generous to all who deserve the benefits of
his care and generosity. His requirements for kindness may sound steep to some,
but considering the fact that he grants all new people in his life a clean slate
until they dirty it up his standards are not very high. If you meet Cyrus treat
him well or at least with respect and he will always treat you well with respect,
listen to what you have to say, and go out of his way to make your life better if
you deserve it.
Cyrus believes that it is better not to judge people at first glance and to always
give them a shot. If he gives you a shot and you take advantage of it in a bad way
he will not take kindly to you, but return the favor and he will hold you in high
regard. Cyrus would much rather get along well with others than end up in a fight
with anyone and he goes to great length to avoid such hassles, but unfortunately
some people get the idea that hounding Cyrus repeatedly is a good idea. Cyrus has
no idea why because whenever it happens he is usually just minding his own business,
but no matter how self-business minded he is trouble seems to find him.